St Joseph Jethuli

Message From Provincial Superior

Dear friends
It is an immense joy for me to get connected with you through the pages of our School Magazine, Glimpses. The great freedom fighter and Nobel Prize Winner (1993) Mr.Nelson Mandela said ,"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."

I fully believe in the above words as I have had the privilege of being with the downtrodden of our society. We have experienced how through our intervention thousands could pass through the doors of education to ‘make a difference’ in their lives as well as in the lives of those who come in contact with them.

Dear teachers, parents and students, we are privileged to have you amidst us sharing the Charism of our Foundress Venerable Mary Ward. It is she who enabled the world to open its gate towards the girls’ education. She has paved the way and it is our responsibility now to keep our feet marching ahead even on untrodden paths to make our dreams too possible. For this the teachers and parents need to be friends, guides and mentors who can spark off critical and creative thinking in students. Let our students not be monsters but the ones with transformative mindset build up a society around them to live in peace and integrity of creation. Let us all support one another to create an eco friendly environment towards new learning and utilize that energy and knowledge to make our world a better place to live in. Let Jesus be our ‘guru’ enlightening all of us to accept the right values of God’s kingdom and live in peace and harmony with one another. I wish God’s blessings on the editorial team and best wishes to its readers.

Sr. Kiran C.J.
(Provincial Superior)
St. Joseph’s Convent,
Provincial House, Digha Ghat, Patna -800 011. Bihar.