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We the Mary Ward women in the education ministry, keeping Jesus as our model aim at forming fearless and vibrant citizens, who are able to face the challenges of life. Believing that education is a powerful agent of social transformation, we move towards the empowerment of women and formation of children inculcating in them a sense of justice, religious tolerance, compassion and love.

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SPIRITUAL & MORAL VALUES: We expect the students trained in our school to be firm in their faith in God and to have a love for personal prayer;

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Governing Body

The School is run by Governing Body of the Patna Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary Society.

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Our school is affiliated under CISCE ( Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination). The school got its temporary affiliation in 2011 and the permanent affiliation on 23rd December 2014.

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Whats New

About, St. Joseph's School

St. Joseph's convent High School, Jethuli, a minority school, was founded in 2003 to provide an all round education to the girls of jethuli. The school caters to the educational needs of all sections of society, regardless of caste, creed or financial status. The students are prepared for the ICSE examination. The school is run by the Sisters of the Congregation of Jesus in collaboration with a group of competent and well qualified staff.

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Key Dates and School Happenings

Our School Bulletin

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Students Section

Academic session details

Academic Session 2015-16 begins on 30/03/2015 Summer Vacation 23rd May to 21st June 2015 Winter Vacation 23rd December to 3rd January 2016


Faculty Achievement

Our teachers are the pillars of strength. They have encouraged and helped students develop a well groomed personality.Teachers of SJC, Jethuli, have been awarded the


Academic Achievements

Our management, teachers & students co-operatively function to achieve our glory and fame to bring laurels to our school.


Other Achievements

BEST SCHOOL AWARD: St. Joseph’s Convent High School, Jethuli received the Best School Trophy in October 2013 ( Hisndustan Pratibha Samman) organised by Hindustan Times. It added another feather to our cap.


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